TeamChild client outcomes for November 2016 – November 2017 were measured by reviewing each client’s legal issues and the outcomes of the youth’s case:

  • 20 of 21 youth represented by the Center for Children’s Advocacy regarding access to appropriate educational services, gained access to an increased level of educational services. Youth received tutoring, transportation, modified programs, a modified schedule, increased supports in the school setting, a summer program, vocational training, and transfer to more appropriate placements of a therapeutic school or a diagnostic program. The one youth who has not gained access to an increased level of educational services is extremely resistant to attending school. An entire team, including his probation officer, is working with him to help him attend school, but the youth has thus far avoided efforts to help him engage.
  • Of the four youth whose cases were continued into the second half of the so TeamChild could follow up on successful outcomes and ensure the youth were able to return to school and receive appropriate education services, one youth graduated from high school and three youth returned to school with appropriate services.
  • Of the 25 youth served whose cases were not newly opened, 17 youth were regularly attending school, 5 youth graduated from high school and 1 youth was attending school but had many absences. One youth, described above, was not attending school. The school attendance status of one youth was unknown because the youth moved out of Hartford.



One of the youth served by TeamChild was 17 year-old Tanya, who had significant problems in school but was never assessed for or provided with special education services. Because of her problems in school, Tanya avoided attending whenever possible and was chronically absent. Her probation officer referred her to TeamChild. TeamChild advocated for Tanya with the school system and got her school to provide the educational interventions and support she needed to be able to attend school and learn. Tanya graduated from high school in June and is currently attending community college.



Another youth served by TeamChild was 16 year-old Marta, who was expelled from school and referred to the juvenile court, where her probation officer referred her to TeamChild for help addressing her educational needs. TeamChild represented Marta, and successfully negotiated with Hartford Public Schools for a reduced length of expulsion, tutoring during the expulsion period, and for Marta to return to the same education program she had been in before the expulsion. Marta returned to school and did well. Over the summer, however, Marta’s grandparents, who had raised her, died. Marta’s living situation is now very unstable and she is at high risk of dropping out of school. She needs a great deal of support and encouragement to continue to attend school. TeamChild checks in frequently with Marta to be sure her school is meeting her needs, and provides regular doses of encouragement. Marta is maintaining her job at McDonalds and is on track to graduate in June.



17 year-old David was arrested and sent to a juvenile justice facility. He was referred to TeamChild, and TeamChild represented David as he prepared to reenter the community, successfully advocating for an appropriate school placement and support services, including transportation. David was discharged from the facility and his educational reentry went smoothly. He is attending school and progressing toward graduation.


Hartford Public Schools’ (HPS) has been very invested in the youths’ success, and willing to work with TeamChild to develop a plan for the youth and provide appropriate educational services.

In some cases, even when a youth had been expelled and had no legal right to alternative educational services, TeamChild’s advocacy resulted in HPS’s agreeing to provide alternative education to the youth.

