The Center for Children’s Advocacy is a nonprofit law firm which fights for the legal rights of Connecticut’s most vulnerable children.

Our Year in Review:
Read CCA’s 2023 Annual Report

CCA Advocacy, News, Events, and Seminars

CCA Press
LCI: Let’s Speed Things Up


Upcoming Webinar
September Education Access Webinar Series


CCA Press
When American with Disabilities Act is ignored, parents are left waiting in parking lot to help child


CCA Bi-Monthly Newsletter
July 2024 Newsletter


CCA Press
Bridgeport families rallied to save special education program and won – for now


How you can help
Our Needs
Work With Us
Employment Opportunities

Fighting for the legal rights of Connecticut’s most vulnerable children.

Our mission: To protect and promote the legal rights of Connecticut’s low-income children and youth so they have equitable opportunities for good health, a quality education and a successful transition to adulthood.

CCA provides legal representation and advocates for system reforms to ensure at-risk children’s basic needs are met and they receive appropriate services from the juvenile justice, education, child welfare, health care and court systems. 

The Center for Children’s Advocacy has a Platinum rating from Guidestar/Candid and a Four-Star rating from Charity Navigator.

Our Needs

Supporting CCA makes an enormous difference in the lives of children who have no one else to turn to.

Our Impact

CCA’s systemic work continually improves the lives of thousands of children and youth statewide.

Our Work

Racial Justice
Health Equity / Medical Legal Partnership
Child Welfare
Youth Experiencing Homelessness
Juvenile Justice
Youth Voice
Innovative Outreach