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In re Blake P.

…that she purported to have completed or recommendations with which she claimed to have complied. However, Mother ignored the court’s finding that she failed to fully comply with key portions…

In re Aurora H.

AC 46330 Mother appealed the termination of her parental rights of her two children. They had been committed to DCF since shortly after their births. During DCF’s involvement, she was…

In re Gabriella M.

…children lived with the grandmother, who was committed to serve as a long-term resource for them. After DCF filed TPR petitions, Mother filed a motion to transfer permanent legal guardianship…

In re Gabriella M. (Father)

…challenge to those final judgments, he no longer had a specific, personal and legal interest that was specially and injuriously affected by the trial court’s denial of the motion.…

In re Timothy B. (2023)

June 2023 Mother appealed the termination of her parental rights with respect to her two children. The children had been committed to DCF, who had issued specific steps to Mother…

IN RE GABRIEL S., JR. (2023)

…than 15 months.  Father testified about his attempts to comply with the steps that would facilitate the child’s return to his custody, but never claimed that he did not receive…

IN RE PAULO T. (2023)

…the factors set forth in the statute ((Rev. to 2021) § 46b-56 (c)), governing the consideration of the best interests of a child in making or modifying custody orders.…


…trial court for a new dispositional hearing, at which its sole focus was to be on whether it was in the child’s best interests to terminate Father’s parental rights.…

IN RE JUDAH B. (2023)

…instance of domestic violence against Mother. Thereafter, the children were committed to DCF custody.  Mother was referred to a variety of services by DCF.  DCF also paid for daycare and…

IN RE AMANI O. (2023)

…court’s failure to revoke commitment following the permanency hearing was functionally the same as an extension of the commitment was unavailing as, under the statutory scheme, the permanency plan did…
