Bridge Family Center
Greater Hartford
Female ages 11-17
Emergency Shelter
Beds for non-DCF  youth: 3 beds plus 2 host homes for male youth


Council of Churches of Greater Bridgeport: Janus Center for Youth in Crisis
Greater Bridgeport
Male and Female ages 11-17
Host Home 24 hour Outreach & Crisis Intervention
Beds for non-DCF  youth: 4


Kids in Crisis
Southwestern Connecticut
Male and Female ages 11-17
Emergency Shelter 24 hour Outreach & Crisis Intervention
Beds for non-DCF  youth: 4


United Services
Northeastern Connecticut
Female ages 11-17
Host Home
Beds for non-DCF youth:  4 in Manchester


Women & Families Center
Street Outreach
No beds


Youth Continuum
New Haven
Street Outreach and Transitional Living
No beds


For shelter services for youth over 18, please go to and look under resources.
