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Our Stories Seven year old Leo struggles to cope. Leo’s father died this year and Leo feels the trouble and sadness that surround his family. His mother is struggling. Leo feels…

2009 Significant State Legislation

Legislation from 2009 Session 2009 Legislative Summaries OLR Research Report Commission on Children The end of the 2009 Legislative Session resulted in passage of important legislation affecting Connecticut’s children: Public…

In re Annessa J. (2022)

…understood that it was required to determine whether post-termination visitation was either necessary (i.e., required) or appropriate. Justices Ecker, Keller, and Kahn concurred separately in two opinions:…

In re Alizabeth L. (2022)

…parents. Moreover, the record was silent as to whether A understood the interview to potentially involve a medical treatment component, and no medical exam or interview with a medical professional…

CCA Public Statement: SCOTUS Johnson v. Grants Pass decision

CCA is deeply concerned about the recent US Supreme Court decision in Johnson v. Grants Pass which allows communities to criminalize homelessness. More specifically, the Supreme Court determined that the…

In re Prince S. (2023)

…17a-112).  The record contained ample evidence that she failed to comply with the specific steps ordered by the court in multiple aspects, including her failure to obtain and maintain adequate…

Sample pleading: Complaint to State Department of Education

…reading comprehension and visuospatial language concepts. She indicated that she did not have appropriate testing materials to complete such an evaluation. Further, the school members of the team questioned the…

CCA Press Coverage

…IDs challenges for young adults transitioning out of child welfare system Connecticut Public | March 3, 2022 Lawmakers, Advocates Say $1.7M Isn’t Enough | February 21, 2022 Committee Won’t…

COVID19 – Information, Links and Resources

…CT at 1-855-805-4325 or Utility Protection Utility Protection for Low-Income Families: Hardship Customers are Protected through May 1 Utility Protections and COVID-19, Orders from the Connecticut Public Utility Commission,…

COVID19 – Information, Links and Resources

…and COVID-19, Orders from the Connecticut Public Utility Commission, Sep 2, 2020 Community Outreach during a Pandemic, National Energy & Utility Affordability Coalition, Covid-19: Using New Challenges to Inspire Meaningful…
