July 31, 2024

July is National Minority Mental Health Month which is a time to bring awareness to the unique challenges that people of color face when accessing mental health care. CCA advocates for children suffering from family trauma and health-harming environmental stressors that disproportionately impact children of color, and we work to improve the response of the state’s systems to protect vulnerable children.

Addressing Systemic Inequities That Lead to Racial Disparities

Structural racism and discrimination can take a significant toll on mental health, increasing the risk of depression, anxiety, and psychological stress for children and youth of color. CCA’s systemic advocacy initiatives fight back against these systemic problems, targeting the ways systems’ policies and practices lead to racial and ethnic disparities in health, education, and well-being. One of CCA’s systemic reform efforts recently received a multiyear federal Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention grant, in collaboration with the Tow Youth Justice Institute, to support CCA’s multi-city initiative leading systemic reform with local and state partners in five Connecticut cities to reduce racial and ethnic disparities in school discipline and juvenile justice. For more information, contact Attorney Martha Stone.

Reducing Juvenile Justice Involvement by Increasing Appropriate Care

CCA’s advocacy aims to divert youth with mental health conditions from being drawn deep into the juvenile justice system, which disproportionately impacts youth of color. CCA represented 17-year-old “Thomas” whose parents had criminal justice involvement, leaving him to live with a relative during their periods of incarceration. When “Thomas” was arrested, he was referred to CCA for legal help. CCA met with “Thomas” and his relative to discuss the root causes of his behavior, and represented him in juvenile court, successfully advocating for him to be placed in a short-term facility that could provide appropriate evaluations and services. “Thomas” was finally prescribed medication for his behavioral health condition and began participating in therapy. CCA also successfully advocated for his enrollment, upon reentry from the facility, in a special school that can meet his behavioral health needs upon his release. “Thomas” is now back with his relative and is excited to begin at the specialized school in the fall. CCA will continue checking in with “Thomas” this fall to ensure the new school is fully meeting his needs.

Sarah Healy Eagan

After an extensive search, the Center for Children’s Advocacy’s Board of Directors is very pleased to announce the selection of Sarah Healy Eagan to serve as the Center’s next Executive Director. 

Later this fall, Sarah will succeed Martha Stone, CCA’s founding Executive Director, who will transition into a newly created Founder and Special Counsel role.

Sarah has served as Connecticut’s Child Advocate since September 2013. As Child Advocate, she oversaw the OCA’s investigation, public reporting and advocacy work addressing issues across child-serving systems: education, child welfare, juvenile justice, and disability services. Sarah participated in drafting several statutory reforms on behalf of vulnerable children, including improving services for children with developmental disabilities, reducing reliance on restraint and seclusion of students, improving conditions for incarcerated youth and strengthening the safety net for abused and neglected children in foster care. 

Ned Gerard/Hearst Connecticut Media

Advocacy for Children with Multiple Diagnoses

CCA is happy to report that we have reached a new settlement agreement in another case involving a child attending an autism center who had a new diagnosis of diabetes. The autism center would not oversee the child’s diabetes and informed the parents that the only way that he could continue to attend was if they sat in the parking lot if he needed care. Desperate for their severely autistic child to receive autism services, they sat in the parking lot for months.

The Justice Department investigated and found that the autism center violated the Americans with Disabilities Act. In this case, they entered into a formal Settlement Agreement agreeing to serve the child, oversee his diabetes, train their staff on their federal obligations to individuals with disabilities, and pay the parents $15,000 in damages.

National Conference on Community and Restorative Justice

CCA’s Executive Director, Martha Stone, and Dr. John Ducksworth, Director of CCA’s Restorative Justice Project,  are participating in the Annual National Conference on Community and Restorative Justice in Washington, D.C. this week. This year’s theme is “Re-Envisioning Our Legacies: A Defining Moment,” which invites each of us to reflect on our personal and collective legacies. Attorney Stone and Dr. Ducksworth will present in breakout sessions on CCA’s restorative justice work in Connecticut. For more information about CCA’s Restorative Justice Project, contact Dr. Ducksworth. 

National Conference of the American Psychology Association

CCA Attorney and Singer Legal Fellow, Mallory Sanchez, is presenting at the American Psychology Association’s national conference in Seattle, Washington this August. Mallory’s presentation titled, “The Rapidly Changing Legal Landscape for Transgender Health,” will discuss the increase in state legislation and policy-based restrictions specifically targeting transgender youth. They will also discuss the rise in state laws and policies restricting transgender youth, such as bans on medical care, sports, bathrooms, LGBTQ+-related education, and the misinformation behind these bans and the legal challenges to repeal them. For more information about CCA’s LGBTQ+ Youth Advocacy Project, contact Attorney Mallory Sanchez.

CCA’s Multi-Award Winning Medical-Legal Partnership Project

On the heels of receiving an award from the Connecticut Hospital Association, our Yale New Haven Hospital Medical-Legal Partnership Project (MLPP) team has been recognized again for their exceptional contributions to the healthcare and legal industry, receiving the 2024 Industry Visionary Program award from the Greater New Haven Chamber of Commerce (GNHCC). This award honors outstanding members who have significantly impacted their respective fields.

The recognition by the GNHCC serves as a testament to the MLPP team’s dedication, hard work, and unwavering commitment to providing exceptional legal and healthcare services. Their accomplishments have not only elevated the profile of CCA and Yale New Haven Hospital but have also contributed to the overall betterment of the legal and healthcare landscape in the Greater New Haven region. For more information about the Yale New Haven Hospital MLPP, contact CCA Attorney Sarah Mervine.

CCA Attorney Sarah Mervine accepting the GNHCC award with Canera Pagano, Associate General Counsel and Bill Aseltyne, Executive Vice President of Yale New Haven Health

Future Prevention Leaders

On June 14th, we were fortunate to hold an exchange between CCA’s Speak Up! youth group and The Governor’s Prevention Partnership. CCA’s Speak Up! youth attended the Partnership’s 3rd annual Future Prevention Leaders Conference at Southern Connecticut State University on June 14th.

At the Conference, the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) presented on Youth Partnerships and Initiatives, social media and mental health, and strengthening prevention in organizations and the workforce. Then all youth participated in breakout sessions and spoke with conference speakers about drug prevention and youth-led campaigns. Overall the conference offered a day of empowerment, learning, and connection for youth across Connecticut.

Six days later, CCA was honored to welcome members of The Governor’s Prevention Partnership’s Youth Board to Spring for Kids 2024!

CCA’s Speak Up! Youth at the Future Prevention Leaders Conference
CCA’s Speak Up! Youth Panel at Spring for Kids 2024

CCA’s flagship fundraising event, Spring for Kids, kicked off for the first time with an amazing performance by Hartford’s Proud Drill Drum and Dance Corp and welcomed over 200 distinguished guests to the Yard Goat Club on June 20th. Our guests represented a diverse range of CCA’s supporters including our 2024 Champions of Children, Connecticut Treasurer Erick Russell and the Youth Action Hub, and the Sustainability Award honoree, Community Leadership Program + Bill Graustein, CCA’s Board Directors and staff, our event and journal sponsors and community partners, and the many children, youth, families, and members of CCA’s own Speak Up! youth group. A highlight of the evening, to name one of many, was showcasing the inspiring work and powerful voices of the LGBTQ+ Youth Project area, a recently added initiative led by CCA’s 2024 Singer Fellow, Attorney Mallory Sanchez. The project aims to empower and advocate for LGBTQ+ youth in Connecticut.

Furthermore, CCA welcomed six new event sponsors that share our commitment to improving the lives of children in our communities including two new Presenting Sponsors: Dalio Education and Siebert Williams Shank. We also were delighted to enter into partnership with new community partners including IRIS, The Connection Inc., The Governor’s Prevention Partnership, Open Communities Alliance, and The Partnership for Strong Communities. Their generous contributions played a vital role in the success of the event. The evening culminated in a resounding fundraising achievement, with over $175,000 raised. These unrestricted and much-needed funds will directly support CCA’s crucial work in advocating for, protecting, and serving Connecticut’s most vulnerable children.

Spring for Kids 2024 is a testament to CCA’s dedication to creating a better future for all children in Connecticut. Through this event, CCA strengthened its partnerships, amplified youth voices, and secured essential resources to continue its life-changing work. Thank YOU!

Our Summer Interns

This year’s summer interns, Dylan Morris, a rising 3rd-year law student at Northwestern University, and Kyleigh Sisk, a rising 2nd-year law student at Quinnipiac University, are hard at work supporting Attorney Mallory Sanchez with our new LGBTQ+ Youth Advocacy Project and Attorneys Sabrina Tavi and Nate Fox with our Immigrant Children’s Justice Project. They work between our Hartford and Bridgeport offices, and we are delighted they chose to intern at CCA this summer and are grateful for all they do!

CCA Interns Dylan Morris and Kyleigh Sisk

7th Annual Statewide Care Coordination Forum

Children with mental health conditions have the right to reasonable accommodations that will let them participate with their peers in school activities, camps, sports and other programs. To help healthcare providers advocate for children with mental, physical, cognitive and behavioral diagnoses, CCA Attorney Bonnie Roswig and the Medical-Legal Partnership Director from Connecticut Children’s Medical Center, Dr. Robert Keder, presented at the 7th Annual Connecticut Children’s Care Coordination Forum about the Americans with Disabilities Act.

The presentation summarized important elements of the ADA, comparing and contrasting the ADA with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act and the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), and applying advocacy skills to navigate case examples of care coordination needs for individuals with disabilities using the ADA framework. To view the presentation, click here. For more information about CCA’s Disability Rights Project contact Attorney Bonnie Roswig.

CCA is Hiring!

Are you looking for exciting opportunities to join a dynamic team of passionate professionals? CCA is looking for you! CCA offers: 

  • Opportunities for growth
  • Generous benefits
  • Competitive salary
  • Remote, hybrid work flexibility

For more information click the button below. Do you know of someone who’d be perfect for a position? Please share these opportunities.

Volunteer with CCA

The Center is always looking for energetic volunteers to support our mission and expand the impact of our work!  Here are a few opportunities to engage directly with our work:

1. Pro Bono Project

CCA seeks volunteer attorneys for our Special Immigrant Juvenile Status (SIJS) Pro Bono Project. CCA trains and provides guidance and technical assistance to pro bono attorneys to represent undocumented children and youth in state probate court as part of the process to secure Special Immigrant Juvenile Status (SIJS). Securing SIJS allows children/youth, who have been abused, neglected, and abandoned, to remain legally in the U.S. and places them on a pathway to securing permanent legal residence and U.S. citizenship. For more information about our Pro Bono Project contact Attorney Sabrina Tavi.

2. Volunteer Interpreter

CCA is looking for Spanish-English bilingual volunteers to support our attorneys who provide legal services to Spanish-speaking clients. Volunteers provide translation support during client intake calls, meetings and telephone follow-up and may assist with document translation as well. For more information about Volunteer Interpreter opportunities contact Nallely Acosta

3. Birthday, Graduation, and Holiday Gift Drives

CCA works closely with our community partners through our birthday, graduation and holiday gift drives. CCA needs volunteers throughout the year, and especially during the end of year holidays, to support these gift drives to coordinate gift donation needs and requests, to liaise with community partners to secure cards and gifts, and to organize gift delivery, wrapping and distribution of the gifts. For more information about CCA’s 2024-2025 Birthday, Graduation and Holiday Gift Drives please contact Eileen Brennan.

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