CCA commits to the following:

1. Recognize, and work to disrupt, the historical and current practices that have led to unequal distribution of resources and power for communities of color.

2. Recognize, and work to disrupt, internalized racial oppression (the acceptance and acting out of a societally defined position of superiority or inferiority based on race).

3. Recognize, and work to disrupt, all forms of bias, prejudice and discrimination whether based on race, ethnicity, country of origin, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, religion, socio-economic status or disability.

4. Actively seek to understand, and disrupt, “microaggressions,” “implicit bias,” “white supremacy” or “white privilege.”

5. Create mechanisms for employees to raise equity concerns at work and provide mechanisms for employees to advocate for themselves and provide assurances of non-retaliation for those who come forward.

6. Build an organization that reflects the communities that CCA serves, at every level of the organization, investing in human resources support to ensure consistent and fair practices. Comprehensive recruitment and retention strategies and accountability mechanisms are implemented to ensure continuous improvement and transparency.

7. Celebrate the cultures of, and include, the communities that CCA serves, in all aspects of its work, including communications and development work.

8. Support employees’ personal DEI learning journeys with formal and informal learning opportunities for staff and management. CCA prioritizes a culture of listening, understanding and empathy.

9. Practice mutual respect at all times.

Adopted by the CCA Board of Directors January 24, 2024
