May 27, 2022

Number of school shootings in the United States since 1970: 1322 resulting in 426 student deaths and 1,225 injuries
Number of fatalities in school shootings since 1970: 681
Number of children massacred at Sandy Hook Elementary School in 2012: 20
Number of fatalities at Marjorie Stoneman Douglas High School, Parkland Florida, 2017: 17
Number of children massacred at Robb Elementary School Uvalde, Texas, May 24, 2022: 19
Number of school shootings in 2022 to date: 27 (Source: Center for Homeland Security and Defense, K-12 Shooting Database)
Number of actions taken by Congress to address gun control and school massacres since Sandy Hook: 0

When is enough considered enough? School violence perpetrated by guns, specifically weapons of war, is not only intolerable and tragic – it is addressable and preventable.

While we at CCA mourn the unspeakable tragedy at the Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, Texas and send out thoughts and prayers to the victims, their families and that brave community, we must remember that thoughts and prayers alone will not keep children safe. As a society, we have allowed weapons of war to become commonplace in our communities – such that the perpetrator, with a documented history of violence, was able to purchase two AR-style rifles shortly after his 18th birthday.

What Can You Do:

1. We in Connecticut are fortunate to have Senators Murphy and Blumenthal fully committed to meaningful gun control legislation, but those in other states should contact your United States Senators and Request that they Raise, Support and Enact the Following legislative initiatives:

  1. Reinstate the assault weapons ban that was enacted in 1994 but expired in 2004
  2. Require comprehensive universal background checks for all gun purchasers
  3. Raise the Age for gun purchase to 21 in all states
  4. Make gun trafficking a federal crime
  5. Enact “red flag” laws that allow confiscation of firearms from potentially dangerous individuals
  6. Reject and repeal laws that allow individuals to carry concealed weapons without a permit

2. Learn more about preventing gun violence in our schools and what you can do to end the vicious cycle of school shootings:

  • Everytown:
  • Sandy Hook Promise:
  • Giffords:

3. Urge your Connecticut legislator and Governor Lamont to enact legislation to ban Ghost guns.

In Connecticut, we responded to similar tragedy by strengthening our gun laws with a focus on banning high-powered weapons and establishing a “red flag” system to prohibit dangerous individuals from purchasing guns. Our children’s safety depends on it.

It is a moral imperative that Congress take action to prioritize children’s health and safety by enacting common sense gun reform and giving schools the resources they need to deal with mental health issues and trauma. The only thing we cannot do in response is nothing at all. And that is unacceptable.

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