2010 Legislative Summaries

OLR Research Report 
Department of Children and Families

The end of the 2010 Legislative Session resulted in passage of important legislation affecting Connecticut’s children:


Child Welfare

Educational Stability

CCA worked with child welfare partners to promote passage of Public Act 10-160, which would permit children who have been removed from their homes due to allegations of abuse and neglect to stay in their current educational placement even if they are moved by DCF to another town. The state educational stability initiative is mandated by the recently enacted federal Fostering Connections to Success Act of 2008.

PA 10–160

CCA Testimony

For information on Educational Stability legislation, please contact Sarah Eagan.

Homeless Youth

CCA proposed the adoption of The CT Homeless Youth Act, which defines homeless youth, requires a comprehensive program of services for homeless youth, and mandates relevant data collection. The statute calls for a continuum of services including street and community outreach and drop-in programs, emergency shelters, and transitional living programs. Prior to passage, these services are available only for youth in the care of the Department of Children and Families. Many youth cannot or do not wish to be in DCF care and, as a result, languish on the streets or move from home to home.

PA10-179 (Sections 28-30)

CCA Testimony

For information on Homeless Youth legislation and Connecticut’s Runaway and Homeless Youth Team, please contact Stacey Violante Cote


For more detailed information on CCA’s 2010 legislative initiatives, please contact

Child Welfare: Sarah Eagan

Homeless Youth: Stacey Violante Cote
